Configuration and settings


Request and set API credentials

Isogeo is a secured SaaS platform, so applications which use its data have to be authenticated (oAuth2 protocol). API credentials are a key pair, with an id and a secret. A graphic form allows the user to set it. Credentials are stored in the QGIS authentication base if user enabled it before or in Qsettings if not.

The authentication form shows up when:

  • the plugin is launched for the first time,
  • the API credentials have expired.
Fig. 6 : Authentication form to enter API keys

Change API credentials

In the Settings tab, it's possible to change API keys:

Fig. 7 : Change API authentication

Share catalogs to the plugin

Create a share to the application QGIS Plugin in the administration console on APP;

Fig. 8 : A share to publish metadata into the plugin from Isogeo administration console

Display shares which are feeding the plugin

In the Settings tabs, informations about shares feeding the application are displayed:

Fig. 9 : Informations about application in the Settings tab
  • name of the application declared to the Isogeo platform, corresponding to the plugin in use,
  • count of shares feeding the plugin in use. Then, each share is described:
    • the share name - a clic opens the administration console on Isogeo,
    • the share last update,
    • the Isogeo workgroup owning the share and its email contact

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